Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Polar Panoramas

These are my two Polar Panoramas. To make these is almost exactly the same as making a Spherical Panorama. I took my photos using a 360 degree turn to take a panorama. I edited my photos using Adobe Bridge. Then, I put them in Photoshop and turned them into a panorama. I edited the to almost look perfect. Then I, flipped my photo upside down and used a tool that make my panorama into a polar panorama. Finally I, tried to edited the seams to make it look almost perfect and then I was done.

Spherical Panoramas

These are my two Spherical Panoramas. Making these took a long process. But, the final result came out great. First you would have to take your Panoramas. To take a panorama, you must take photos with a horizon in the middle of your photos. Then I took the photos using a 360 degree turn. When I was done taking the photos, I edited them in Adobe Bridge. After I was done with that I, arranged the photos in photoshop so it looked like a panorama. I edited the panorama so looked as seamless as possible. After that I, turned the panorama into a spherical panorama. I finally edited the seams and that's how I made my spherical panoramas.

Final Photomontages

 This is a photomontage. It is also called a joiner created by David Hockney. To make this I took my photos with a digital camera. I took about 15-20 photos from bottom to top. Next, I edited the photos in photoshop. After I was done editing, I made a boarder around each photo. Then, I rearranged them to look like a joiner. After that, I put a background that was opposite to my boarder.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Magazine Cover

This is my magazine cover that I made in GT. I used Photoshop to create this magazine cover. First, I took my photos that I would use in my magazine cover with a digital camera. Next, I traced a picture I liked the most. I did this by making another layer in Photoshop and putting that layer onto my photo. Then, I traced my photo and colored it as well. After that, I made my text. To make my text, I just took a text box and made each text box a new layer. I edited my text boxes and added a few more little details. Finally, I copied and pasted the photo as another layer. I put that layer in the back and edited it to look like a swirly background.