Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Practice Profile Story

The purpose of this practice profile story is to help us to know what to do in our actual profile story. It will also help us on how to make our video better the next time we make our profile story. We chose our friend, Deshaynee, because she recently went to Europe for her soccer team. We thought that she had a lot of experience with playing soccer and that's why we thought she would be a great person to interview.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Profile Project Progress

The most recent project that I'm doing in my G.T. class, is an interview for Hiki No. It's called "Elder Words of Wisdom" and we have to interview an elderly, or older person, who has learned things from experience in the past or now.

My team is interviewing a counselor named Robyn Keawe who works with High Schoolers. She is going to tell us how staying focussed in school will later help us with our future career choices. She will also be telling us about her counselor experiences.

We will be doing this interview for Hiki No. Hiki No is a local broadcast station that people around Hawai'i make videos and broadcast it on this station. We will be filming most of this interview at Kapa'a High School. We will be showing some students that Robyn works with. We will also be doing this interview so that we could warn students that staying focussed in High School is important to your future choices.

To improve our video, my team will be re-shooting some of the b-roll. We will be editing it on tuesday and wednesday. We will also be re-shooting the transitions so that they could be better than what they were before.

This is the critique that my classmates made on our video.