Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Composition Techniques

Composition techniques are a great way to make a photo or video interesting. The main four composition technique are rule of thirds, framing, unusual angles, and leading lines.

You can find the Rule of Thirds in many photographs and in many films. For example, interviews use the rule of thirds to make like the interviewee is talking to the interviewer. The rule of thirds is a helpful guideline that separates a photo of shot into nine equal parts. To use the rule of thirds, you need to align the subject where the two lines intersect. You should put the subjects eyes in the point where the lines intersect. You shouldn't put the subject in the middle, you should put it on the left or right of the guidelines.

Framing can be found in many different photographs and films. To use framing, you need to put the subject in a natural boarder. A boarder can be found in many different things, you could find them by framing with something with trees, buildings, walls, etc.

Unusual Angles are angles that make a photo seem like you are looking at the subject at a different point of view. Unusual angles can make a photo very interesting, for example, if you are trying to make the point of view for a bird, you could take a photo at a high angle.

Finally, there is Leading Lines. Leading lines is a way to make your eyes lead to the subject of the photo or film. Leading lines can be used for both films and photography. They can be found in many different things. For example, you can find leading lines in a field. You could lead the rows in the field to a subject.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Three Shot Sequences

This is an example of three different shot types called sequences. Sequences are shot types that make a story a little more interesting. They are wide, medium, and a close up shots. The shots of the film or photos need to be in order. 

To take sequence shots, you need to first take a wide shot of your subject. In a wide shot, the top of the subject and the bottom should be in the same shot. For example, if you shoot someone walking to the bathroom you need to show how they got up and walked while getting their whole body in the shot. Then, you need to take a medium shot. Medium shots are shots that usually get half of the subject in the film or photo. Take the example of waling to the bathroom, a medium shot could be the student asking the teacher to go the bathroom. Finally, there is the close-up. For close-ups, you get a detailed shot of your subject and only your subject. For example, the close-up for walking to the bathroom, you could show the subjects feet walking towards the bathroom. After that, you could just go back to a wide shot showing the subject walking into the bathroom door. Those are the three shot sequences that make a video interesting other than the same shot type throughout the whole film.


Friday, February 7, 2014

All About Me

My name is Kuulei Fulton. I am from the island of Kauai and I go to Kapa'a Middle School. I am 13 years old and I have three brothers (one adopted), two sisters and a cat named Twilight. I don't have any hobbies or talents and I'm overall boring. I like to go to the beach and hang out with my family and friends. My favorite color is light blue and my favorite animal would probably be an owl.

After college, I was planning to go to BYU Provo, which is a college in Utah, and after college I was planning to travel most of the world. The place that I wanted to go to the most would probably be New Zealand. I would also love to go to Italy and/or France and most of Europe.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Practice Story Reflection

Over the week my team and I had to work together to make a practice interview. We worked together and got it turned in on time. I think that the team that I was in was encouraging and got the work done well and fast.  As we tried to work together, we split up the project into what each person should do to help out. I my team there were three people ( including me ) Sariah, Deshaynee and me. We worked hard to try to turn it in before the deadline.

We were one of the few who turned our project in. We tried our best to work together and get the job done. We tried to equally divide the work within each other. I think that the hardest part of the project was getting all the right footage done and edited. Another thing that was hard was probably getting the video edited to the best of our abilities. One of the easiest parts of this project was working together as a team. This project was a good way to learn about how to work together and to divide the work so that we each had a part in this project.

Overall, I think that my team and I did very well on getting our project done and turned in. One of my team mates, Sariah, did the editing and the filming. My other team mate, Deshaynee, was the main focus of the interview so she had to answer some questions and she also helped out with the editing as well. I did the transcript and helped out with the filming. I am very thankful that my team worked together and got the job done.