Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Practice Story Reflection

Over the week my team and I had to work together to make a practice interview. We worked together and got it turned in on time. I think that the team that I was in was encouraging and got the work done well and fast.  As we tried to work together, we split up the project into what each person should do to help out. I my team there were three people ( including me ) Sariah, Deshaynee and me. We worked hard to try to turn it in before the deadline.

We were one of the few who turned our project in. We tried our best to work together and get the job done. We tried to equally divide the work within each other. I think that the hardest part of the project was getting all the right footage done and edited. Another thing that was hard was probably getting the video edited to the best of our abilities. One of the easiest parts of this project was working together as a team. This project was a good way to learn about how to work together and to divide the work so that we each had a part in this project.

Overall, I think that my team and I did very well on getting our project done and turned in. One of my team mates, Sariah, did the editing and the filming. My other team mate, Deshaynee, was the main focus of the interview so she had to answer some questions and she also helped out with the editing as well. I did the transcript and helped out with the filming. I am very thankful that my team worked together and got the job done.

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