Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Three Shot Sequences

This is an example of three different shot types called sequences. Sequences are shot types that make a story a little more interesting. They are wide, medium, and a close up shots. The shots of the film or photos need to be in order. 

To take sequence shots, you need to first take a wide shot of your subject. In a wide shot, the top of the subject and the bottom should be in the same shot. For example, if you shoot someone walking to the bathroom you need to show how they got up and walked while getting their whole body in the shot. Then, you need to take a medium shot. Medium shots are shots that usually get half of the subject in the film or photo. Take the example of waling to the bathroom, a medium shot could be the student asking the teacher to go the bathroom. Finally, there is the close-up. For close-ups, you get a detailed shot of your subject and only your subject. For example, the close-up for walking to the bathroom, you could show the subjects feet walking towards the bathroom. After that, you could just go back to a wide shot showing the subject walking into the bathroom door. Those are the three shot sequences that make a video interesting other than the same shot type throughout the whole film.


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